Reykjavík classic whale watching

Our partners offer multiple departures from the old harbour in Reykjavík every day. The bay, Faxaflói, is visited by many whale species. Minke’s, humpback’s and white-beaked dolphins are not uncommon. You could even see the killer whales or one of the enormous fin whales.

The crew is a group of dedicated experts, marine biologists, friendly guides and an experienced team ensuring a safe and educating adventure on the Atlantic.

In addition to the giants of the depths are the sea birds in the sky and on the water including the Northern Gannet with up to 180 cm wing span. Not to be forgotten the infamous Puffins,  Eider Ducks and the migrating Arctic Tern dwelling in Iceland during the summer time and travelling all the way to Antarctica for the winter time.

In addition to birds and marine mammals are the magnificent mountains on the horizon. Including the magical glacier Snæfellsjökull, the entry point in Jules Verne’s novel: Journey to the center of the earth, 1864.

Whale watching from Reykjavík has been a bestseller for several years making it one of Iceland’s most popular tourist activities.

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